Dependency management

All the dependencies of both the pipeline and the application code are managed by node and Webpack. Dependency management can handle modules (module.exports = {} and require()) or ES6 import/export. See more information in the Webpack docs or a three-paragraph tutorial into module bundling in the Vue guide.

Internal or external Dependencies declared in any .vue, .scss or .js file will be resolved by Webpack and node.

External dependencies required for client builds need to also be declared in package.json under dependencies: {}. These also need to be cleaned up when a dependency is no longer needed.

// Import external dependency directly
// Needs to be installed via NPM
// Should have been saved in package.json via npm install lodash --save
import { groupBy } from 'lodash';

// Import internal dependency
import Role from '@models/Role';
import Spinner from '@components/snippets/Spinner';

// You can even import styles in a .vue component
import 'semantic-ui-css/semantic';
import '@styles/global';
import '@styles/utilities';
// Import external dependency
@import '~semantic-ui-css/semantic.css';

// Import internal dependency
@import '~@shared-styles';

Currently there is no magical globals configured for JavaScript and no magical base CSS injected outside the components.

See other articles on details of what should and shouldn't be imported in any given context.

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