View components

    └── components/
        └── MyComponent.vue

See included components on GitHub

Components are reusable and nestable UI snippets that encapsulate view logic in one... component. In Vue, a component is authored as one HTML-like file with three elements: template, script and style. Vue's view components closely follow web standards and are built on HTML, JS and CSS respectively.

Vue component lifecycle

Best practices

  • Keep components small. If a component bloats, split it. It's better to have many small components than small number of bloated ones.
  • Create dedicated components for pages which users navigate to and which have routes associated with them.
    • These page components should not do a lot more than define meta information and include other components and <route-views>.
    • Page can be wrapped in shared components such as <page>, which is preconfigured
  • In .vue files, write the code in the following order:
    • <script>
      • vendor imports
      • helpers
      • view model (export default { ... })
    • <template>
    • <style>

View model

  • View models are only for declaring the behavior, styling and structure of one component as clearly as possible.
  • View models should not include any business logic code.
    • Feel free to import models and vendor libraries as needed.
  • Recurring view model code can be reused:
    • You can write custom plugins and directives for Vue.
    • Plugins and directives are also not for business logic though.


  • Always have one parent element in your component.
  • Always use the : and @ shorthands with bindings.
  • Avoid adding a lot of JS expressions in the template. Add a computed property in the view model instead.


You can and should use Sass in component styles. You can @import the shared styles to use shared mixins and other tools.

One components can generally appear under multiple different parent components in the application. In order to make it easy to customize component styles in any given context, it's best to

  • Give your component a parent class that matches the component, prefixed with .c-.
  • Name other elements with component-specific class names matching the component nime.
  • Provide prefixed state classes such as .c-my-component-enabled and .c-my-component-disabled
  • Avoid unnecessary nesting these prefixed classes, because this increases specificity and makes them harder to customize per context.
  • Generic classes such as .is-active should be nested under the prefixed ones however.
  • If you're writing a lot of code targeting elements by tag name, it's probably better to add a class name.

External dependencies

You can import externally authored components anywhere you need them:

    import VueSliderComponent from 'vue-slider-component';

    export default {
        name: 'my-component',

        components: {


    <div class="c-my-component">

Component blueprint

    export default {
        name: 'my-component',

        data: function () {
            return {};

        props: {},

        computed: {},

        methods: {},

        beforeCreate: function () {},
        created: function () {},
        beforeMount: function () {},
        mounted: function () {},
        beforeUpdate: function () {},
        updated: function () {},
        activated: function () {},
        deactivated: function () {},
        beforeDestroy: function () {},
        destroyed: function () {}


    <div class="c-my-component">
        <div class="c-my-component-something">

<style lang="scss">
    @import '~@shared-styles';

    .c-my-component {}

    .c-my-component-something {
        &.is-active {}


Sample code


    // Vendor code
    import _ from 'lodash';

    // Component's view model
    export default {

        name: 'my-component',

        data: function () {
            return {
                someParameter: false,
                color: 'red',

        props: {
            someInputParameter: {
                type: String,
                required: false,
                default: 'Foo'

        computed: {

            titleToRender: function () {

                if (this.someParameter) {
                    return 'Some special title';

                } else if (this.someInputParameter) {
                    return _.trim(this.someInputParameter);

                return 'Default title';


        methods: {

            setSomeParameter: function () {
                this.someParameter = true;

            changeColor: function () {
                this.color = (this.color === 'red') ? 'green' : 'red';


        created: function () {
            setTimeout(this.setSomeParameter, 4 * 1000);

        beforeDestroy: function () {




    <div class="c-my-component">

        <!-- HTML element with dynamic bindings -->
        <h1 :data-title="titleToRender"
            {{ titleToRender }} <em :style="{ color: color }">Color!</em>

        <!-- Child component -->


<style lang="scss">
    @import '~@shared-styles';

    .c-my-component {
        color: blue;


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