Vendor code

Vendor code is imported via npm. You can install any library you wish and then import it in any component, service, model or utility. The dependencies are defined and maintained in package.json.

Note: remember that every vendor library you import will increase the size of your codebase and make it slower to load for the end-user.

Note: remember to remove any libraries you no longer use from your package.json.

Note: when installing, remember to --save-dev any dependencies you only need for tooling and not for client-side application code.


Dependencies must be installed and stored in package.json before they can be used in the codebase.

npm install lodash --save

After this, you can use what you installed in your application code.

import _ from 'lodash';
var foo = _.trim(' Foo     ');

Initial setup for vendor code

    └── vendor/
        └── Chart.js

Sometimes you want to do some common setup work when using a vendor library throughout your application. In this case, add an intermediate wrapper file under @vendor and import the vendor code from there.


// Import library from NPM
import Chart from 'chart.js'

// One-time setup work = '#000000'

// Export the modified vendor library
export default Chart

Use vendor library in your code:


import Chart from '@vendor/Chart';

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